How blockchain is revolutionizing electronic voting.

In an increasingly digitized world, electronic voting is presented as an attractive alternative to streamline and optimize democratic processes. However, trust in the integrity and security of these systems has been a point of constant scrutiny. It is in this scenario that blockchain technology comes into play, providing an innovative and transparent approach to address the challenges inherent to electronic voting.

Before we dive into the specific application of blockchain in this context, it's crucial to understand the background of electronic voting and the very foundations of blockchain technology. Thus, this article seeks to shed light on the evolutionary path of electronic voting and to lay the foundations for understanding how blockchain has become a fundamental pillar in the search for safer and more reliable electoral systems.

Background to Electronic Voting

The evolution of electronic voting stands as a fascinating chapter in the history of modern democracy. In the beginning, citizen participation in electoral processes was limited to physical presence in voting centers, where voters issued their preferences through traditional ballots. However, the advancement of technology and the constant search for efficiency have led to the exploration of alternatives that facilitate and speed up this fundamental process for democratic life.

The rise of electronic voting marked an important milestone, introducing the ability to cast votes through electronic devices, such as voting machines and online systems. This change not only promised greater speed in tabulating results, but also the potential elimination of human errors associated with the manual interpretation of votes.

However, as electronic voting gained ground, so did the challenges. Security incidents, concerns about the integrity of the results and the lack of transparency in some systems generated skepticism and questions about the appropriateness of this form of suffrage.

Incidents of result manipulation, the vulnerability of systems to cyberattacks, and post-election disputes have raised questions about the integrity of democratic processes based on traditional technology. The need to address these concerns has led to the search for safer and more transparent solutions.

Blockchain technology, known for its ability to create immutable and transparent records, emerges as a response to these concerns. By decentralizing the voting process and securely storing information in interconnected blocks, blockchain provides an additional layer of reliability and transparency to electronic voting.

Blockchain in Electronic Voting

The application of blockchain technology in electronic voting represents a crucial step towards creating more secure, transparent and reliable electoral systems. To fully understand this synergy, it is essential to explore how the fundamental principles of blockchain are integrated into the specific context of electronic voting.

Reliable recording of votes on the Blockchain

In traditional electronic voting, trust in the integrity of the results rests on the system's ability to ensure that each vote is accurately counted and that there is no manipulation of information. Blockchain addresses this challenge by introducing a distributed and decentralized registry.

Every vote cast is recorded as a transaction in a block. These blocks are interconnected and cryptographically protected, preventing retroactive modification of information. The decentralization of the registry ensures that there is no single point of vulnerability, significantly reducing the risk of manipulation or sabotage.

Security and Reliability Guarantees

Security in electronic voting has been an ongoing concern. Blockchain addresses this problem by incorporating cryptographic mechanisms and decentralized consensus. Encryption ensures the privacy of the vote, while distributed consensus ensures that any attempted alteration is detected immediately.

In addition, the transparency inherent in blockchain technology allows citizens to verify their own votes and ensure that they were correctly counted. This level of transparency helps to strengthen trust in the electoral process, a vital element for the legitimacy of any democratic system.

The application of blockchain in electronic voting not only addresses security issues, but also improves the efficiency of the process. The elimination of intermediaries and the automation of vote tabulation reduces the time needed to obtain results, offering a faster and more accurate response to citizens.

Real use cases

To fully understand the impact of implementing blockchain on electronic voting, it is imperative to explore success stories that have paved the way to more robust and transparent electoral systems. These tangible examples highlight how different countries and projects have successfully adopted blockchain technology to improve integrity and trust in their electoral processes.

City of Zug, Switzerland

The Swiss city of Zug has successfully experimented with the application of blockchain in its voting processes. By taking advantage of the decentralization and transparency of blockchain technology, Zug has succeeded in creating a voting system that empowers citizens and strengthens trust in the local democratic process.

The small-scale voting involved only 72 of the 240 citizens with access to the online voting system, who participated in the non-binding test vote between June 25 and July 1, 2018.

Zug, a pioneering Blockchain city in Switzerland.

Voatz Project in the United States

Voatz, a project created in the United States, has introduced a blockchain-backed mobile voting platform. This initiative has sought to make voting more accessible and convenient, especially for voters abroad. The security and transparency inherent in blockchain technology have played a crucial role in the acceptance and success of this project.

Designed as a replacement for absentee votes, Voatz's blockchain-based voting project has been met with skepticism from security researchers, but with enthusiasm from many in the tech world, and received more than $9 million in venture funding. Under the Voatz system, users would cast votes remotely through an application, with identities verified through the phone's facial recognition systems.

Voatz has already been used in several minor elections in the U.S. Department of State, and obtained more than 150 votes In the 2018 general election in West Virginia.

Spanish researchers and their voting proposal

Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) Have proposed a new electronic voting system using blockchain technology that guarantees the security and privacy of the electoral system.

This system, developed by the Valencian University Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (VRAIN) of the UPV, eliminates the need to encrypt the vote and can be applied in various situations, such as general elections, private voting, decision-making in distributed environments and anonymous surveys.

Future Challenges

Implementing blockchain technology in electronic voting brings a number of significant advantages, but it also faces inherent challenges that require careful consideration. Exploring both the positive aspects and the challenges allows us to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the complexity surrounding this innovative convergence between technology and democracy.

Access and Digital Divide: One of the most prominent challenges is the disparity in access to technology. The digital divide could exclude certain sectors of the population that do not have easy access to electronic devices or Internet connection, raising concerns about equity and inclusion.

Continuous Cyber Security: Despite the inherently strong security of blockchain technology, the constant evolution of cyber threats poses ongoing challenges. Ensuring resistance to sophisticated attacks remains a priority.

Legitimacy and Widespread Adoption: The widespread acceptance of blockchain-backed electronic voting still faces challenges in terms of perceived legitimacy. Convincing society and authorities of the reliability and security of this technology is a gradual process that requires education and demonstration of successful cases.

Technical Complexity and Public Education: The successful implementation of blockchain in electronic voting requires a high degree of technical knowledge, both on the part of developers and users. The need for comprehensive public education about this technology is essential to ensure its understanding and acceptance.


In conclusion, the application of blockchain technology in electronic voting represents a significant milestone in the evolution of democratic processes. Through the decentralization, security, and transparency inherent in blockchain, persistent challenges to the integrity of electoral systems have been addressed.

Although the advantages are notable, implementing blockchain in electronic voting is not without challenges. The digital divide, concerns about ongoing cybersecurity and the need for public education are aspects that require careful attention to ensure a successful transition and widespread acceptance.

The convergence of blockchain and electronic voting marks the path to a more secure and participatory digital democracy. Continued research, the resolution of challenges and the promotion of public understanding are fundamental to consolidating these advances and moving towards a future where technology effectively supports the fundamental principles of democracy.



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