Web Marketing Success Stories 3: Lessons from Big Brands

Web Marketing Success Stories 3: Lessons from Big Brands

The world of marketing is constantly evolving, adapting to new technologies, platforms and consumer behaviors. In this context, the rise of Web3, an evolution of the Internet based on decentralization and user control, is transforming the rules of the game. As companies seek to take advantage of this new ecosystem, it's crucial to understand what Web3 means, how it impacts marketing, and what strategies pioneering companies are using to stay ahead of the curve.

What is Web3?

If you've come this far, you probably already know that Web3 refers to the third generation of the internet. An environment in which decentralized technologies, such as blockchain and smart contracts, allow users to have more control over their data and digital assets. Unlike Web2, where centralized platforms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon dominate, Web3 is committed to a decentralized internet, where users own their data, digital identities and online assets.

In this environment, marketing must adapt to a new dynamic. It's no longer just about capturing the user's attention through ads on social networks or search engines, but about creating experiences that engage users on a deeper level and give them a sense of ownership and participation.

Examples of companies that are leading Web3 marketing

1. Nike: Integrating NFTs and Metaverse

Nike, one of the giants in the sports fashion industry, has pioneered the adoption of Web3 technologies. In 2021, Nike took an important step towards integrating the physical world with the digital world by acquiring RTFKT Studios, a company specialized in creating digital products, such as sneakers in the form of NFT (non-fungible tokens).

Shortly after the acquisition, Nike released its first virtual sneaker collection, called “Cryptokicks”, on the blockchain. These sneakers are unique digital assets, guaranteed using NFT technology, which means that each pair is unique and the sole property of the buyer. Users can buy, sell and exchange these virtual sneakers on NFT marketplaces, and some of them have sold for significant sums, reaching prices of thousands of dollars.

How does the launch of Nike's virtual sneakers work?
  1. Creation of NFT: Nike designed these sneakers in digital format, ensuring their authenticity and uniqueness through non-fungible tokens (NFT). This means that each pair of virtual sneakers has a unique identifier on the blockchain, ensuring that they cannot be duplicated or falsified.
  2. Sales and marketing: Nike launched these sneakers through specialized NFT platforms, such as OpenSea, where users can purchase them using cryptocurrency. Some models were sold directly by Nike, while others were purchased at auctions.
  3. Usability in the Metaverse: In addition to being collectible, these virtual sneakers have a use within different metaverse platforms, such as Decentraland Or The Sandbox. This means that owners can dress their avatars in virtual worlds with these exclusive sneakers, allowing them to express their personal style in digital environments.
  4. Linking with physical products: In some cases, Nike has linked virtual sneakers to physical products, meaning that when buying an NFT, the user also has the right to receive a physical version of the sneakers, creating a hybrid shopping experience that connects the digital with the physical.
Why would people want to buy virtual sneakers?

There are several reasons why people are interested in buying virtual sneakers and they are linked both to the desire to be part of technological innovation and to social, economic and cultural aspects:

  • Exclusivity and status: Just like in the physical world, limited-edition sneakers are considered a status symbol. Owning a pair of exclusive Nike virtual sneakers can provide a sense of prestige and belonging to a select group within the Web3 community. In the metaverse, where digital identities are increasingly important, these unique assets allow users to stand out and express their personal style.
  • Investing: For some, virtual sneakers represent an investment. As with other NFTs, there is a chance that their value will increase over time. This has led some buyers to acquire these assets not only out of a desire to own them, but also with the intention of subsequently selling them at a higher price. Speculation surrounding the revaluation of these digital products drives demand.
  • Digital Identity in the Metaverse: As more people spend time in virtual worlds such as the metaverse, the demand for digital personalization has grown. Dressing an avatar with exclusive clothing and accessories, such as Nike sneakers, becomes a form of personal expression and a reflection of the user's identity in the virtual world, similar to how luxury brands are used in real life.
  • Interaction with the brand: For Nike fans, buying virtual sneakers is a way to interact with the brand in a new and exciting way. It allows them to be part of the Nike story as the brand explores new digital frontiers. These types of experiences can strengthen brand loyalty, as users feel that they are supporting pioneering innovation.
  • Digital trend and culture: Digital culture and technological trends, especially among younger people, drive the purchase of these products. NFTs and the metaverse have become cultural phenomena, and many buyers want to be part of this new wave of technological innovation.

Key Strategy: Nike has been able to combine the exclusivity of its products with cutting-edge technology, offering consumers a way to stand out in both the physical and digital worlds. By creating a connection between virtual and physical products, and by allowing users to showcase their digital assets in environments such as the metaverse, Nike has found an innovative way to maintain its relevance in a constantly evolving market.

2. Decentraland: Marketing in a Virtual World

Decentraland is one of the first decentralized virtual worlds completely based on blockchain, specifically on the Ethereum network. In this environment, users can buy, sell and develop digital land known as “parcels”. What makes Decentraland unique is its decentralized nature: decisions about the evolution of the virtual world are made by the user community through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which empowers participants and gives them control over the platform.

This space has attracted big brands, who see it as an opportunity to innovate in digital marketing. Coca-Cola is an excellent example of a brand that has been able to capitalize on this virtual environment to create interactive and emotional experiences that transcend the simple act of consuming a product.

The Coca-Cola Campaign in Decentraland

In July 2021, Coca-Cola made its first significant foray into the metaverse through a special campaign in Decentraland. Coca-Cola's strategy in this digital environment focused on launching an NFT collection, combining both digital collecting and philanthropy and creating an immersive experience for users.

1. Launch of the NFT collection:

Coca-Cola launched a series of exclusive NFTs, under the name “Friendship Box”, which included several unique digital items inspired by the iconic Coca-Cola brand. Some of the highlights of the collection were:

  • Bubble Jacket (Wearable Bubble Jacket): A virtual item that avatars in Decentraland could use, inspired by the appearance and visual style of Coca-Cola. This digital jacket was more than just a collectible; it allowed users to customize their avatars in the metaverse, showing their affinity for the brand in a novel and visually appealing way.
  • Sound of opening the bottle: An NFT that captured the iconic sound of a Coca-Cola bottle being opened. This NFT is a perfect example of how Coca-Cola used familiar sensory elements to emotionally connect with users in a digital format.
  • Vintage Coca-Cola refrigerator: Another exclusive NFT was a virtual refrigerator with a retro design, inspired by old Coca-Cola dispensers. In addition to being a collector's item, this item served as a “surprise box” containing other NFTs inside, adding an element of surprise and exclusivity.

2. Immersive experience in Decentraland:

Coca-Cola didn't just launch NFTs, it also organized a Live event in Decentraland to celebrate the campaign. In a virtual party organized in a space designed specifically for the brand, users could interact with each other, explore the virtual world and participate in activities related to the brand. These types of immersive experiences are key in Web3, where brands not only sell products, but also create events and communities that users can enjoy and in which they can actively participate.

3. Philanthropy:

Coca-Cola also used its Decentraland campaign for a charitable purpose. The proceeds obtained from the auction of the NFTs went to the organization Special Olympics International, a foundation with which Coca-Cola has for many years. By incorporating a social cause into its marketing strategy, Coca-Cola not only improved its brand image, but it also attracted a wider audience that values social responsibility.

4. Exclusivity and auction:

Coca-Cola NFTs weren't immediately available to all users. Instead of selling them directly, Coca-Cola chose to auction the items, creating a greater level of exclusivity and desire surrounding the collection. The auction generated great excitement in the Decentraland community and among NFT collectors in general, which also increased the perceived value of the brand's digital assets.

Reasons why this strategy was successful:

  • Innovation and adaptation to new trends: Coca-Cola proved to be a brand capable of adapting to new technologies and trends. By launching a campaign in a digital environment such as Decentraland, the brand positioned itself at the forefront of marketing innovation.
  • Emotional connection: Sensory elements, such as the sound of the bottle opening, and the retro design of the refrigerator connected consumers to the brand's rich history. This emotional connection was transferred to the virtual world, demonstrating that digital assets can also evoke memories and feelings.
  • Exclusivity and participation: The exclusivity of NFTs and the organization of a live event in the metaverse allowed Coca-Cola to create a sense of community and belonging. Users not only purchased products, but they participated in a shared experience, strengthening their relationship with the brand.
  • Social Responsibility: By including a philanthropic component in the campaign, Coca-Cola showed that it is committed to important causes, which improved its brand image and attracted consumers interested in supporting charitable initiatives.

Key Strategy: Coca-Cola has demonstrated that brands can use virtual worlds and NFTs not only to sell products, but to create meaningful experiences and connections with consumers. By combining the digital with the physical, and by integrating philanthropy into its strategy, Coca-Cola has established a model for how brands can succeed in Web3.3 marketing.

3. Axie Infinity: Community and Gamification

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game that has revolutionized the way people interact with online games. Players can collect, breed and fight with creatures called Axies, which are in turn unique digital assets (NFTs). In addition, the game allows users to earn cryptocurrency through their participation, a dynamic known as “play-to-earn”.

The success of Axie Infinity lies largely in its focus on Gamification. But what exactly does gamification mean?

-Gamification refers to the application of typical game elements and mechanics in contexts that are not necessarily games, such as marketing, education or project management. These elements can include rewards, challenges, levels, competencies, and point systems, which are designed to motivate and engage users.

In Axie Infinity, gamification is manifested through several aspects:

  • Rewards: Players are encouraged to participate in the game through the possibility of earning crypto tokens (SLP and AXS) that they can exchange for real money. These financial rewards not only motivate players to keep playing, but they also attract new users interested in earning money while enjoying a video game.
  • Challenges and Competencies: Axie Infinity implements typical game mechanics such as battles between Axies and competitions within the community. Players compete against each other to improve their skills and earn more valuable rewards, creating a strong sense of progress and achievement.
  • Levels and Progression: As players raise and train their Axies, they can improve their skills and unlock new opportunities within the game. This sense of progression is a powerful motivator that keeps players engaged in the long term.

What makes Axie Infinity unique from a marketing perspective is its focus on community building through gamification. Players become brand ambassadors by sharing their experiences, creating content and attracting new users. Axie Infinity rewards its most active and committed players with tokens and other incentives, reinforcing loyalty and encouraging organic community growth.

Key Strategy: Use gamification to transform the user experience into something more immersive and rewarding. By designing a system that motivates users to participate on an ongoing basis and that provides them with real value for their time and effort, Axie Infinity has created a loyal and committed community. This approach turns gamification into a powerful tool within Web3 marketing, where active participation and reward are essential.

4. Audius: Decentralized music

Audius is a decentralized music streaming platform that uses blockchain to empower artists and fans. Unlike centralized platforms such as Spotify, Audius allows artists to control their content and receive direct payments from their followers without intermediaries.

One of Audius' most successful strategies has been the implementation of its native token, AUDIO. Artists and users can earn these tokens through their participation in the platform, either by uploading content, interacting with other users or promoting the platform. These tokens grant governance rights and access to exclusive functions, creating a community-driven internal economy.

Key Strategy: Creating a token economy within the platform that rewards both creators and consumers. By giving users a sense of ownership and participation in the governance of the platform, greater loyalty and commitment are encouraged.

5. Brave: Redefining Advertising and Privacy on the Web

Brave is a web browser that has differentiated itself from traditional browsers by placing a strong emphasis on privacy and the decentralization of advertising revenues. With Brave, users can browse the internet without being tracked, thanks to its built-in ad blocker. However, what really makes it a key example of Web3 marketing is its focus on advertising.

This company has created a system where users can choose to watch ads and, in return, receive rewards in the form of their native token, Basic Attention Token (BAT). This allows users to have full control over the ads they see and to be directly compensated for their attention, something unthinkable in traditional advertising models. In addition, advertisers can target interested audiences more effectively, and with the confidence that their ads aren't automatically being rejected by ad blockers.

Key Strategy: Brave has changed the paradigm of online advertising by creating a model where users are in control and are rewarded for their attention. At the same time, it offers advertisers a more efficient and privacy-friendly channel to reach their audience, demonstrating how Web3 can transform the relationship between brands and consumers.

Keys to Web3 marketing

Web3 marketing isn't just an evolution of traditional digital marketing, but a complete paradigm shift. Here are some of the key keys to success in this new environment:

  1. User property: In Web3, users own their data, identities and digital assets. Marketing strategies should focus on empowering users and offering them real value in exchange for their participation.
  2. Transparency and Trust: Decentralization and the use of blockchain allow greater transparency in interactions and transactions. Brands must be transparent in their communications and practices, as the Web3 community highly values authenticity and trust.
  3. Token economy: Tokens are the engine of the Web3 economy. Companies should consider how to integrate tokens into their business model, whether to reward users, provide governance, or create new revenue streams.
  4. Community and participation: Community is the core of Web3. Brands must actively engage their community, listening to their opinions, rewarding their participation and encouraging content creation and long-term loyalty.
  5. Immersive experiences: The metaverse and virtual worlds are an integral part of Web3. Brands must think beyond traditional marketing strategies and create immersive experiences that attract users and keep them engaged.


Web3 marketing represents a radical change in the way brands connect with consumers. As decentralized technologies continue to develop, companies that adopt an approach focused on community, transparency, and user ownership will be better positioned to succeed in this new environment.

Immersive experiences, the token economy, and building strong communities will be essential for long-term success in Web3. Brands that innovate and experiment with these new tools will have a competitive advantage in the decentralized future.



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